Rust-Oleum Projects

Beach Fun Photo Frame

Browse Projects

  • Farmhouse Window Chalkboard Calendar
    Turn A Farmhouse Window Into a Weekly Chalkboard Calendar
  • French Country Clock
    Airbrushed French Country Clock
Flip Flop Photo Frame


  1. Remove photo frame tags.  Clean then cover the glass with painter’s tape.

  2. Mix peach and a bit of yellow for the base color of the flip flop.  Using a # 8 brush, paint everything but the flower with this color.

  3. lternate, painting every other flower petal pink and orange using the #2 brush.

  4. Mix a little white paint with the pink.  Go back over the pink petals with this lighter shade, this time painting only half of each petal.

  5. Paint the center of the flower orange by jabbing at it with the brush.  The idea is to leave some areas unpainted and some white showing inside this group of petals.

  6. Touch the ends of the center petals with a gold enamel marker.

  7. Apply a dab of cement on the back of the rhinestones.

  8. Place a rhinestone on the strap near the flower.  Position three rhinestones on each strap of the flip flop spacing them evenly. 

  9. Paint the outer edge of the flip flop with an orange enamel paint marker. 

Tip:  Allow paint to dry completely between steps.

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